Python Developer
Job Seeker

Python is my primary language, though I'm comfortable with JavaScript and have dabbled in others. So far most of my experience is with web apps and testing. I recently had a contract with AT&T doing ETL and back-end work and seek to further use and hone my skills.

My Projects

Zip Trip

This is a road trip planning tool based on user interests. I built the REST API. Checkout the App or the API Repository

Django, Django REST Framework, Yelp API, SeatGeek API, Google Maps API

rpg_toolkit (working title)

This is a passion project stemming from tabletop RPG nerdery. I'm using it to learn and practice TDD principles. Current home and repo.

Django 2.0, JavaScript, JQuery, Selenium, QUnit.

Personal Website

Another work-in-progress, this is the future home of the site you're currently reading. It will have my portfolio as well as a blog and will be hosted on a remote server. This project is teaching me ansible, vagrant, and LAMP stack basics. The repository can be found here.

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